Bad Habits That Can Damage Your Teeth And Decline Oral Health

Bad Habits That Can Damage Your Teeth And Decline Oral Health

Posted by Kevin D Fong on Nov 23 2022, 10:00 PM

Our teeth play an important role in our overall health and well-being. They help us in chewing food, speaking, and smiling. However, bad oral hygiene habits can damage our teeth, gums, and other parts of our mouths. It can result in dental diseases, cavities, and tooth loss. Listed below are some common bad dental habits that we should avoid.

  • Nail Biting

Those who bite their nails are at higher risk of damaging their teeth with chips and cracks. Additionally, this habit can cause the cementum layer of the tooth to wear away. This layer protects the tooth’s nerves, so the damage could lead to permanent tooth sensitivity and pain. Nail biting habits can also contribute to cracked, broken, or chipped teeth and sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures. Talk to your dentist about treatment options if you’re a chronic nail biter and your teeth are damaged due to this bad habit. Your dentist can help you stop your habit and get relief from related symptoms.

  • Smoking

There are a number of oral health risks related to smoking cigarettes. For example, smokers are twice as likely to develop gum disease than non-smokers. And like gum disease, other oral health problems can be exacerbated by tobacco use. For instance, if you smoke and have a dry mouth, you may find that you are more prone to cavities. This is because saliva neutralizes acid and helps wash away debris and bacteria in the mouth that can damage your teeth. Without enough saliva, there could be more plaque buildup and, ultimately, more cavities. Additionally, tobacco users are more likely to suffer oral cancer as well as gum recession due to the loss of gum tissue around their teeth. Besides, smoking can also lead to bad breath. That’s because tobacco can dry out your mouth, which can cause certain odor-causing bacteria to flourish. If you are considering quitting smoking in order to improve your oral and overall health, talk to your dentist about which smoking cessation products are right for you. 

  • Brushing Teeth Aggressively

While it’s important to brush twice a day and floss once a day, your technique also matters. Brushing your teeth too aggressively can cause damage to your enamel, gums, and tooth roots. Fortunately, your dentist can help you correct your bad habits and protect your smile for the future.

If you brush your teeth roughly with too much force, you can damage the enamel on your teeth. This will lead to sensitivity and discoloration. Your gums can also be irritated by overly vigorous brushing, while your gums can recede over time and become sensitive to hot and cold. Tooth root sensitivity is also common if you brush too hard. Finally, aggressive brushing can lead to gum recession and tooth loss over time.

It’s important that you develop an appropriate oral health routine to protect your smile. You may want to use a soft-bristled brush to protect your mouth from excessive wear. Flossing gently can help remove plaque and bacteria from between your teeth while protecting the gums from irritation. Ask your dentist if you’re unsure as to how to brush your teeth properly.

  • Teeth Grinding

Bruxism is a condition where a person grinds their teeth and clenches their jaw. This habit can severely damage the teeth and may even cause tooth loss if left untreated. If you suffer from sleep bruxism, your dentist may prescribe you a mouth guard to wear at night to reduce the damage to your teeth and gums. 

  • Using Teeth As Tools

In addition to eating and speaking, our teeth are used for more than most people realize. We often use teeth to cut through tape, pull items from bags or pockets, open packages, and tear tags off clothing. While these habits may seem harmless, they can lead to permanent damage to the teeth and jaw over time. For example, chewing on pens, pencils, and other hard objects can chip away at the tooth enamel and cause fractures in the tooth structure, leading to the need for fillings and dental crowns. Patients can even break their front teeth when trying to open bottles and cans! Chewing on hard items like ice can cause similar damage when patients bite down too hard. It’s important to use scissors or other tools whenever possible to prevent these types of issues. 

Visit Kevin D Fong, DDS, at 944 W Winton Ave, Hayward, CA 94545, to learn more about oral care. You can also call (510) 783-1572 for an appointment.

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